Tuesday, October 6, 2009

SMYC / Ice Box Canyon - 10/6/09

Back in beautiful Red Rock, 20 hikers hiked with the Red Rock team leaders from the Lost Creek parking lot (found at around the 7 mile marker on the Scenic Loop), down the SMYC Trail, up to the end of Ice Box Canyon and back for a 4 mile hike with around 500 feet in net elevation gain. Since this is not an Around the Bend Friends hike, the photos will be largely scenic. This photographer rarely likes to pass up an opportunity to find new pictures in the natural surroundings of Las Vegas.

After junctioning from SMYC to the Ice Box Canyon trail, we began the hike into the cold canyon which rarely enjoys sunshine. We climbed down into the wash bottom of the canyon and boulder scrambled up to the waterfall. There wasn't a drip of water to be seen unless you climbed into the cliffs above the waterfall where a small pool sat still.

After taking a leisurely break at the waterfall, we scrambled back down to the SMYC junction, turned left and returned to the Lost Creek parking area. It was a chilly morning but the sun warmed us when we could find it. Fall color seems to have already faded in the desert. Maybe it will surprise us in the coming weeks.

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