The South Bowl of Fire is an interesting little pocket of red rock situated between Anniversary Narrows and the North Bowl of Fire which we visited a few weeks ago. Guy, our intrepid coordinator of the outing, led us to mile marker 16 on Northshore Road at Lake Mead and headed down the dirt road/wash to the right. We blindly followed Guy through a wash that had been rippled by recent rains and stopped at metal posts which indicated a trailhead.

Along the trail (which was another wash) thirty- three of us hiked. Coming to a blockage in the wash, some of us climbed up the rocks in the wash. Most of us climbed the hillside to the left of the boulders to get a little scrambling in while bypassing the blockage. It was great fun as Guy led the way. Continuing down the wash, we came to the most gigantic cairn we've ever seen! No, it was just a precariously settled boulder landmark which assured us that we were in the right wash. (See below.)

At the top of the wash, we arrived at the "bowl" itself. Suddenly, all around us was the red rock filled with interesting holes and tunnels. We spent several minutes enjoying the entrance to this amazing wonderland. Several hikers climbed up on the red rock and explored. Some hikers, which you see to the left below, found themselves in places that they could not get out of .... Nah! These guys were just clowning around!

We hiked around a large section of the bowl, took our break, intersected our original trail then returned the same way we came. The short outing was only 2.5 miles with around 400 feet of elevation gain. But, the weather was absolutely beautiful with a high in the low 60's. Everyone's mood was elevated with the sunshine. We wondered if the rain is done yet!

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