Today's hike was a short one which began at a small parking lot off of Echo Road near its turnoff from Kyle Canyon Road. Twenty- six hikers followed the interesting little trail up through the forest following trail signs. The weather was warm already with clear skies.

At one point, the trail forked and four hikers decided to take the road less travelled. They charged up the steep hill on a trail which eventually turned decidedly vague. We basically ran into a wall of rock with three choices as to where to go. We explored two of the choices both of which cliffed out before reaching our target of the top of Little Falls. By looking at the map below, we should have tried the third choice of going straight up the very steep wash above us. Even then, we might would have missed our target by over- climbing.

In the photo to the left, the reader may see our last view before deciding to return to the fork in the trail where we began this exploration. We hiked back down and hurried to find the rest of the gang at the foot of Little Falls. Unfortunately, we were unable to reach them before they began their return and we passed them as they were coming back down. A hurried trip up to the falls and back enabled the capture of the photo below.

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