Saturday, July 9, 2011

Bristlecone Trail to Bonanza Trail - 7/9/11

It was a beautiful day at the end of Lee Canyon Highway where the Bristlecone Trail lies. The ski slopes were busy with clean-up volunteers riding on the ski lift to clean up the upper slopes and we could smell barbecue in the air. Motorcycles congregated on the heliport enjoying a day's ride. The Bristlecone Trail was bustling with activity. Bicycles and hikers abound from beginning to end. We were all happy that the rain was away for the morning and there was a cool breeze sweeping across the mountains.

There were thirty- two hikers from the club hiking at a leisurely pace up the trail. Diane, the coordinator, stopped every so often to allow people to catch up and everyone else to catch their breath. A large group of young people hiked along with us for a short ways. Their enthusiasm was contagious.

The Indian Paintbrush bloomed red and the desert mountain sage bloomed purple all over the slopes of limestone. Most of the yellow flowers were past their prime but spring still seemed to be continuing. The bristlecone trees were as gorgeous as ever and the trail, once again, did not disappoint.

There was a report that a small herd of wild horses were seen on this trail a few days ago. This is quite unusual. Probably due to the unusual weather that this year's spring has given us. Yes, there are still large patches of snow in the upper elevations. The monsoons were reaching over the mountains when we returned to the cars but the first drops of rain would still be several hours away.

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