Saturday, August 6, 2011

Harris Peak - 8/2/11

On Tuesday, nine members of the club hiked up to Harris Peak. The trail hikes through the little Mt. Charleston community of Rainbow where a little surprise awaited the hikers as they passed through. Below, Mike O'C. relates the story. The photos for this hike were donated by Janice Barrow.

She joined our cadre of nine trekkers five minutes into the hike--Marbles, the Wonder Dog. Uninvited, yet unperturbed, she would be our constant companion for the entire morning. Pampered, watered and fed by the entire group, Marbles soon became family. When the ill-defined trail to Harris Peak became faint or petered out altogether, it was Marbles who took the point position and led the way for us. Good dog.

Four hours later, as we finished the steep descent and approached the trailhead, Marbles wagged her tail and veered off for her master's home. Like us, her day was done.

Total distance for the nine hominids: Five miles with 2500 feet of vertical ascent.
Total distance for Marbles: Double those figures.

You're a grand dame, Marbles. Welcome aboard.

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