Griffith Peak from South Loop Trail |
Charleston Peak from Griffith Peak Summit |
Mt. Potosi from Griffith Peak Summit |
Steps Section |
Griffith Peak (11,062') is the third highest peak in the Spring Mountains NRA; behind Charleston and Mummy Mountain. It rises near the end of the ridge that runs south of Charleston and can be approached by the South Loop Trail. The South Loop (Mt. Charleston) Trailhead is shared with the Cathedral Rock Trailhead located near the Cathedral Rock Picnic Area at the end of Kyle Canyon Road. The Carpenter One Fire of 2013 ravaged parts of the South Loop Trail and most of Griffith Peak and the trail was reopened in the fall of 2016. Out of the eleven hikers that climbed to the peak today, only about half had been able to make the trip since the reopening.
Snow Still There |
We parked at the trailhead and quickly found that we would be sharing the trail with another group from Las Vegas. As the hike progressed, we leap-frogged or overlapped the other group throughout.
Kyle Canyon from 1st Switchbacks |
We began our hike early (around 7:42am) and the temperatures were threatening to warm up. As it turned out, the temperatures stayed near the same with it being somewhat cooler at the peak.
Golden-Beard Penstemons blooming on Switchbacks |
Happy Hikers |
As a group, we hiked up to the upper Rainbow Loop junction. Here, we paused before starting up the Steps Section. After starting again, the group spread out as we hiked up the first set of switchbacks. (There is still a layer of snow on the trail where we cross a ravine at the bottom of the switchbacks ... even after the record high temperatures we have had in the past week and a half.) Blue lupins (blue), golden-beard penstemons (red), and bushphlox (white) lined the trail as we climbed. The colors were very appropriate for the July 4th holiday which is just around the corner.
Switchback at Wilderness Sign |
Our second pause to gather was at the 1st Overlook. Without much of a wait, we continued up the trail tackling the switchbacks one by one.
Switchback before 2nd Overlook |
Our third pause to gather was at the 3rd Overlook. So, we passed the 2nd Overlook without much ado.
3rd Overlook View of Charleston Peak |
More Switchbacks |
Our pause at the 3rd Overlook took a little longer. The work ahead of us was daunting. There would be a few more switchbacks among the large ponderosas that the fire did not damage, then the trail enters the burn area. Also, in this area, there is an open grassy field. The sun was warm but it was not hot. In fact, a luscious breeze passed over us once in a while. Plus, occasional shade of the trees was quite cool as well. One by one, we hiked the last hill to the South Loop / Griffith Saddle. The saddle has a new sign and the shelter has been rebuilt to some degree. We paused here for our fourth gathering.
Nearing small Griffith Overlook |
At this point, we were around 10,500' in elevation. A couple of the newer hikers learned how elevation can affect a person!
Lots of Sunshine Here |
With encouragement, one hiker slowly moved on. The other hiker started but then made the decision to stay and "hold down the fort." (Or, do some bird-watching.)
Griffith Peak from South Loop Approach |
Entering Another Burned Area |
We turned to the left at the saddle and proceeded to hike a very pleasant ridge trail over to the base of Griffith Peak. There was a lot of burned area on the other side of the mountain ridge and we could clearly see Lovell Canyon. Before the fire, Lovell Canyon was never seen as well through the trees. Nearing the base of the final assault, the trail forked. The right fork leads around the peak on the Harris Springs Trail. The left fork was ours; the trail that steeply climbs to the summit. The group separated as we each climbed at our own pace.
Pause at South Loop Saddle |
The writer / photographer did not know how to feel about the fire damaged hillside. Loss. Just loss. And, yet, somewhat magical. Life goes on.
Wordy New Sign at Saddle |
We slowly climbed, taking our time and looking around. Finally, all ten of us were on the summit.
Hiking Ridge to Griffith Peak Trail |
View through Burned Trees to Lovell Canyon |
The log book was still there and we all signed in. The peak, itself, was not much different. It never really had much foliage anyway since it is above the tree line. Still, there were burned stumps around the edges. We took our break here batting away a few bugs. (Yes, it's that time of year.) That other group of hikers shared the peak with us. We each took our respective photos and watched beautiful butterflies flitting about. (Do butterflies flit?)
Griffith Peak Trail seen through Burned Trees |
After a good rest, we opted to leave the peak first. Slowly, we descended the steep peak trail.
Climbing Griffith Peak |
We found the bird-watching hiker on the ridge trail and we stopped to take a count at the saddle.
Relaxing on the Summit |
Harris Peak from Griffith Peak |
One hiker was still not feeling well so we kept an eye on him as we descended the trail to the 3rd Overlook. There, we figured out that he may have actually drank too much water, thereby, depleting his electrolytes. He stopped his water intake and took a salt-laden shot block and in less than 5 minutes, he was feeling much better. This sort of thing can happen to any of us and it has. We all helped him from experience. So glad it worked!
Starting Down |
We descended the next several switchbacks. A couple of the stronger front hikers were cheating by running down the trail.
Steep Descent off Peak |
Some hikers swear that running is less damaging to your body. Hmmm.
Beautiful Butterflies |
Pause at 1st Overlook |
We gathered at the 1st Overlook and paused for a breath. The next section was a warm one on the 1st set of switchbacks and down the steps. Our last gathering was in the shade of the Rainbow Loop junction. From there, we headed to the cars at the trailhead. What a great day on the trail! The hike was extremely pleasant and done as a group. We love Griffith Peak!
9.5 miles; 3300 feet elevation gain; 5.5 hours
View from 1st Switchbacks |
Fletcher Peak from above Steps Section |
Starting Last Leg |
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