Down Ash Canyon from an Intermediate High Point |
Turtlehead Peak rises behind Ash Canyon
Eye Candy from inside Gateway Canyon
Sunrise on Dragon & Turtlehead Peaks
Meanwhile, back at Red Rock! Winter weather lowered its boom on us the day before! So, back on the coveted sandstone, we dressed in our winter best to brave the cold windchill temperatures. We started at the Red Spring Picnic Area parking lot early (7:30am) but there were still plenty of parking spaces; probably due to the cold temps. Nevertheless, we were "clothing prepared" and started up the base of the Calico Hills in the direction of Ash Canyon which was still about 1.3 miles away. As we hiked, we noticed that a lot of maintenance has been done on these trails, including a newly rock-lined trail below Angel Pass that they have named Girl Scout Trail. We left this trail in Ash Meadows but it appeared that the Girl Scout Trail leads over toward the 5 Stop Hill area.
Making our way over to Ash Canyon at base of Calico Hills
The sun was rising on the colorful sandstone but the northeast wind gusts were cold. It would still be a couple of hours before the sun's heat would cut through the wind and begin to warm us up.
Red Springs / Angel Pass at Left
After passing through Ash Meadows (with all the ash trees and small creek) we turned up into Ash Canyon on its right side. It wasn't long before we crossed the wash at the bottom of the canyon and climbed onto the sandstone on the left (southwest) side of the canyon.
Girl Scout Trail
Discussion at Entrance to Ash Canyon
There are, at least, three different ways to climb Ash Canyon. The right (northeast) side, the middle and the left (southwest) side. All routes require quite a bit of scrambling. Our chosen route was the left side. This route included a little bit more exposure but, also, provided more slab to use. (As opposed to the boulder hopping in the other two routes.) ... Pick your poison! ... There are a couple of cairns to get you started but as you climb, there are only one or two ways to get through or around the obstacles. Luckily, I knew a couple of the go-arounds while the others were happily risking life and limb! Okay, I know it's not that bad. Anyway, we worked our way up to an intermediate high point and took a rest. From there, we dropped down into the wash below.
Ash Canyon Awaits |
Instead of crossing the wash and joining the easier trail on the right side of the canyon, we stayed on the left side trail. This trail is a little more difficult.
Lots of Dicey Spots
The most difficult spots were either a boulder hop near the wash or a slippery climb up and around a huge boulder obstacle. Rita and I took the climb up and over near the wall. From there, the trail was much easier as we followed the base of the wall.
A Particularly Dicey Spot
Looking at a Rock Climbing Route
Finally, we all converged near the overlook at the top of Ash Canyon where we proceeded to dismantle a fire ring and take our break. Here, there was some discussion on whether to turn left and climb Red Cap or to turn right and complete the loop through Gateway Canyon. We turned right and followed Rattlesnake Trail down through the wash that runs between Turtlehead and Dragon Peaks. The northeast wind was still in our faces all the way down to the Upper Gateway Canyon turn to the right. Rattlesnake Trail continues down much of the limestone portion of Gateway until the trail turns out of the canyon on the right side. There is usually a large cairn indicating this turn but not today. Why?
Following Mike
We turned right into Upper Gateway and dealt with the first few obstacles. The limestone gets very slick in this area and a lot of care must be taken.
Into the Wash after the First High Point
If you are careful, this section of Gateway Canyon is beautiful with a lot of different colors; especially as you hike into the sandstone from the limestone.
Following the Southwest Side Trail
Breaking at Overlook |
We dropped down the sliding board and came to the new drop that was created a couple of years ago. (This canyon changes often.) In this new drop, there was evidence that, perhaps, a burro had become stuck. Hopefully, he turned around and headed back from whence he came before he was injured. Next, we passed Gray Fox Canyon and the Candy Cane Drop without even noticing. Then, we were enveloped by red and white sandstone. A photo at every turn! As was noticed in a previous hike this summer, the gravel level is relatively high this year. Therefore, several of the obstacles are easily negotiated whereas, in earlier years, the obstacles required a bit more effort. Down, we went, hiking through the obstacles by memory!
Joining Rattlesnake Trail with view of Gray Cap Peak
The obstacle that remains the same is the first big drop. Before you reach it, you are faced with a decision to right or left. Trust me. The left is a huge drop that is only viable when the gravel is really high at its bottom. Not today.
Rattlesnake Trail at Upper Gateway Junction
After taking a look, we all went to the right at the fork and did the drop as usual in three or four parts. No change here.
Looks Slick!
Upper Gateway Slick Limestone
After this drop, the scrambling went back to an easy flow with Pickle Rock being the most difficult ... not. The last drop that was considered the "other big drop," has been filled with gravel and the drop is only, perhaps, three feet in height. If you want a thrill, the rabbit hole in this location remains the same. From here, there are a few more easy scrambles before you finally reach the Kraft Mountain Loop Trail that leaves the wash on the right side. This part of the loop follows a trail that circles around the south end of Kraft Mountain. It passes several boulders that are used for rock climbing practice, or in some cases, rock climbing afternoon parties! The loop is marked in the sand leading back around and over to the Kraft Mountain Trailhead parking found at the end of Sandstone Drive in Calico Basin.
Heading into Colorful Sandstone
We didn't park here, so we bypassed this trailhead and hiked a short distance down the same gravel road and turned left onto a trail just past the Ash Creek wash.
Following Gateway's Gravel Wash
Since we have been using the Kraft Mountain Trailhead a lot more lately, we have not used the creek trail much since Chris used to take us this way.
Big Drop
Colorful Scramble
Between Mike and I, we found our way easily on this surprisingly straight forward trail that runs along the creek wash, past a house, across another gravel road and up a hill that rises behind the Red Springs parking lot. Not many hikers use this trail but it is still there. Finally, the trail brings you down into the parking lot where we had started. There are a couple of small corrections that I made on the maps below from our hike today but they are inconsequential ... just better choices. By the time we returned to the cars, we were very warm in our winter clothes!
Woohoo! Back at Red Rock!
Stats: 6.5 miles; 1200' gain; 4 hours
Joining the Kraft Mountain Loop Trail
Circling the South end of Kraft Mountain
Last Leg back to the Cars
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