Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Hummingbird Gulch Short Loop - 7/24/23

AtBFers descending Hummingbird Gulch

Spring flowing well just above Lower Narrows

View from top of Pourover

Climbing up to North Loop Trailhead
Eleven club members started out from the Robbers' Roost Trailhead on Deer Creek Road for a 5.3 mile hike loop that would end in a descent of Hummingbird Gulch. Everyone was excited about the big finale but we had to begin with an interesting climb up to the Hummingbird Wash. We crossed the road and turned to the right onto Old Deer Creek Road, a track that is mostly used by mountain bikers now. Passing the first left turn, a path that leads steeply up to the North Loop Trailhead, we took the second left turn on up the old road. This trail, the Pixie Trail, zigzags up to a place below the North Loop TH. When we reached the paved road again, and turned to the left, we walked along the road to connect with the North Loop. Below us to the left, we had an overlook of our cars at the trailhead. Already, we had gained a lot in elevation!

View down to our cars at Robbers' Roost Trailhead

The Memorial Teepee

Hiking the "Trail" along the rim of the Gulch

Breaking in Hummingbird Wash
Nearing the Teepee route junction, we met up with two more club members who had missed the start. Amazingly, they had climbed up Brian's Gulley to reach us! That's steep! Anyway, we headed out to the Teepee and took in the overlooks on the way. A quick photo at the Teepee and we continued up along the rim of Hummingbird Gulch mostly on a vague game trail. As the trail became clearer, we were hiking along the upper wash of Hummingbird and found a gentle way to drop down for a break. This put us just above the Upper Narrows portion of the gulch. After the break, we enjoyed the Upper Narrows and on down to the spring which was flowing very well. Next, we took on the up and around for the Lower Narrows Pourover. I promised the newbies that the "fun" was just beginning! So, down we went.

Starting through the Upper Narrows

Deadfall on the wash Trail

Dropping down to the Lower Narrows

View from bottom of Pourover
Anyone who has been in Hummingbird Gulch (up or down) knows how much "fun" can be had here! There is a bit of scrambling, a whole lot of scree hiking and views out the wazoo! I went slow since that is my speed ... but the line behind me was understandably even more cautious. There were a few minor falls but that is also to be expected. I've done my share of falls in the steep scree when I was a newbie. Just remember that falls on the butt don't count ... only falls on the face deem really scary stories! (I believe all the falls were of the former kind.) We slowly made our way down the gulch following the trail which is in good condition. The weather had cooled about 5 degrees from the previous week and there were clouds and a breeze that passed by occasionally. We didn't suffer! At the bottom of the gulch, we hiked down through the pine glade and turned left onto the Old Deer Creek Road. A known route took us back to the trailhead and everyone was exhilarated about what we had accomplished. To them, Hummingbird Gulch was no longer a big mystery ... just some hard work! So much fun!

Stats: 5.3 miles; 1900' gain; 4.25 hours

A lot of Scree Hiking in the Gulch

Trail through the Scree

Near the bottom of Hummingbird Gulch

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