Saturday, August 1, 2009

Deer Creek - 8/01/09

Twenty-five hikers hiked the 2 mile road from the Deer Creek Hwy. up through the Deer Creek Picnic Area and on to the ridge to view Mummy's Chin from a well-worn resting spot. The total up and back hike was 4.13 miles with an elevation gain of around 625 feet.

The road is steep and slippery with small rocks in some places but many of the views are as good as they come in the Mt. Charleston/Spring Mtn. area. Some of the views include Mummy's Toe (seen to the left), the Las Vegas valley as seen in the next picture and, ultimately, an up close view of Mummy's Chin as seen in the bottom of this entry.

The hike begins on a paved path which strolls on an incline beside a flowing Deer Creek lined with picnic tables. The dirt road that follows leads up through a set of newly renovated rental cabins and a couple of summer cabins. At the top of the ridge, the road divides into driveways which lead to three different residences which are very luckily adorned with fantastic views.

The entire hike lasted only around two hours. We could have enjoyed the cool fresh air much longer.

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