Saturday, August 15, 2009

Fletcher Canyon - 8/15/09

Thirty-one hikers attended the hike into Fletcher Canyon today. As usual on Saturday, there were various speeds and conditions represented so we hiked at our own pace which spread out the large group on the trail from beginning to end. The out and back hike is a total of around 4 miles.

When we reached Obstacle Rock, there was a healthy amount of water draining down the trough, however, somewhere very close by the water went underground. There was not any water drainage in the slot canyon below this area.

We sat at this point, ate our snacks, and talked a bit. Slowly, almost all of the thirty-one hikers made it all the way to the end. The weather was warm and there was a lot of sun on the trail but it was a lot nicer today than two months ago when we attempted this same hike in the thunderstorm and hail!

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