Boulder Jam |
Tip Toe Rocks Pond |
Reflective Pond |
Pine Creek Canyon - Mescalito Peak |
Just the three of us! We parked at the Pine Creek Trailhead off of the Red Rock Scenic Loop along with the early bird rock climbers and headed down into Pine Creek Canyon. Hiking the familiar rocky Pine Creek Trail, we leap frogged with a couple of rock climbers that were heading the same direction, into Fern Canyon and up to Dark Shadows climbing wall. Speaking of frogs, there were several frogs singing their croaks as we climbed up through the canyon with many ponds from this year's rains. We saw a couple of dead frogs ... not sure what that was all about. But, the others' croakings were very familiar sounds. Researching the name of the frog we caught a photo of, I learned the following:
Pacific Chorus Frog
San Francisco Environment Department
Common in San Francisco into the early 1900s, the Pacific Chorus Frog, Pseudacris regilla, was recently on the brink of existence in San Francisco. A local Bay Area conservationist saved the last remaining population of Pacific Chorus Frog in a degraded wetland behind an industrial building at the base of Potrero Hill. Since then, a local grassroots restoration effort has succeeded in reintroducing the “San Francisco Tree Frog” to many wetland habitats throughout the city, including the Presidio, Golden Gate Park, and many backyards. The Pacific Chorus Frog which ranges from Alaska to southern California, is famous of course because Hollywood movies use its “ribbit” sound for all of those sultry nighttime scenes. More Chorus frogs mean more frog song and mosquito control!
High trail leading to Fern Canyon |
Frog Pond |
Flowers & Critters |
Rock Climbers at Dark Shadows Wall |
About every five years, I learn the same lesson. 😳
Do not be tempted to enter the canyon too soon! Well, today, we did just that, entered too soon! There is very little trail and a whole lot of brush to get to the familiar starting point of Dark Shadows Wall! With a lot of effort and ... a lot of beautiful scenery and brush ... we finally approached those two rock climbers who were already climbing the wall. Finally, knowing exactly where we were, we started up the trail that runs along the south wall. No worries. We were out for the exercise and ... we got exercise! (and a little frustration 😅) We hiked along the south wall meeting several clear cold ponds. They were all easily negotiated around or across. The obstacles were familiar at this point but I'm not sure that they would be for novice Fern Canyoneers. We were under a time constraint (and this canyon is an all dayer) so when we reached the Boulder Jam, we stopped for our break. (If we had not stopped, our next move would have been a steep up and around to the north wall. When there is no water at the Boulder Jam, there is a rabbit hole to climb up through this obstacle. The up and around is no picnic either since it has a formidable scramble at the top.)
Stats: 3.6 miles; 600' gain; 3.25 hours
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