Sunday, May 19, 2024

Foxtail Spring & Pioneer Rock Loop - 5/18/24

Hikers with Foxtail Falls Beyond

Pioneer Rock

Logs in front of main camp Building

Chuck hikes among piles of Debris

The goal today was for five humans and two canines to ascend Foxtail Canyon to the water fall, unless the snow forced a retreat, and return via Pioneer Rock Loop. We started up the trail from the roundabout trail head across from the pay phone. The trail climbs the ridge up to an old forest road. At the top we noticed many trees had been felled and neatly arranged in green piles. We made our way to the “Peace Pole” and main building of the campground and then started up the road next to it.

Unbelievable destruction on the ascent Road

More destruction on the pipeline Road

Crossing the junction Wash

Closest point to the Falls

Oh, the utter devastation of the trees was a site to behold. The road was gutted and we found a work around to get to our goal. The dogs just jumped the gully. There were intermittent snow patches that we easily crossed sans crampons. And then came the last half mile of snow covered trail. Crampons would have been nice but since none of us had them we used our hiking poles and soldiered on almost reaching the top.

Small water falls serenaded us on the way up. We stopped when "iffy" became icy and had a spectacular view of the water flowing over the top, not just seeping through the rocks. After a group photo, we all safely “skied” down the canyon and took a snack break. Next stop would be the turn onto Pioneer Rock Loop trail.

There is no longer a sign but a large white ‘X’. We noticed one of the out buildings had fresh air coming through the openings where a roof had been attached. There are many large trees that now lay across the trail and one must decide whether to go around, over, or under. Usually, we followed the dogs!

Careful Descent

Rest at the old pump House

Well, this is new!

Starting out the Pioneer Rock Loop Trail
We passed many familiar sites. The destruction gave the appearance of a saw mill gone rogue and it was limited to above and below the campground. The picnic area looked as though nothing had occurred. Obviously, workers have been through here making the picnic area presentable.   ~ Ralyn

First tracks in the snow!  ~ Mike

Stats: 5 miles; 1500' gain

Beautiful rocks and Sky

More rocks and Sky

Pinnacle Point

Upper Bristlecone Trail is CLOSED. Below, see photos of what is there at the trailhead.

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