Friday, July 5, 2024

South Sister - 7/4/24

Mike on South Sister Peak - Charleston Peak in Background
South Sister from 2.25 miles Away

Group of 10.5 hikers on their way Up

Top of Phase 2 - Beginning Phase 3
On the holiday, Mike took a group of ten hikers out to climb South Sister Peak. Seven of the ten were first timers. (That's always exciting!) Included in the ten was my dog and I. I only intended to go half way and Mike agreed to it. We all parked at the Pay Phone Trailhead and started up the paved road that the Old Mill Picnic Area uses. We turned up to the right at the Old Mill Trail turnoff. And, turned up to the right again at the South Sister Trail. The group was strong and took on the three steep sections before the saddle with ease. I didn't get a report that anything veered from the usual climb so I am assuming that from the saddle, a right turn was made to climb up the ridge to reach the next saddle.

Having fun on Phase 4

Leslie makes it to the Chute

The Chute Queue

South Sister Peak
Another right turn is made to follow the ridge as it circles around to the base of the scree climb. This last climb is steep and arrives at the top between the two peaks. The highest peak is found to the left. First, you have to climb a scramble chute and sidle around to a little exposed climb to the top. Next, you walk atop the limestone ridge to the end where the log book resides. It is a small test of nerves but the view all around is grandly significant. After a short break, the hikers descended the chute and made the short hike over to the other end of the peak area. This side is the East Peak. A look-see here shows more of Mummy Mountain and Lee Canyon. Finally, the descent begins.

Proud Peakers

This is one way down!

Climbing over to the East Peak

Ralyn and Mike take the hard Way
The descent of the Phase 4 section is slow and sometimes tedious ... other times, it is fast and painful! A lot depends on your knees and courage. From there, it is a simple return down the same way you came up. Fabulous day!

Stats: (from Mike) 5.7 miles; 2250' gain; 4.75 hours

Hanging out on the East Peak

Heading Down

Returning on Phase 3

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