Saturday, July 6, 2024

Wild Horse Loop - 7/6/24

Taking our break at the top of Wild Horse Ridge

A nice short hike with elevation is the Wild Horse Loop. Most hikers begin from Cougar Ridge Trailhead, cross the road and start up Wild Horse Canyon. This is a shady pleasant canyon that passes deadfall and columbines. There is also a beautiful spring. Just past the spring, there is a trail junction. For the Wild Horse Loop, we turned right at this junction onto the Cactus Jack Trail. This trail takes you over to the top of Wild Horse Ridge where we took our break. The return is hiked down the stone ridge where there is a little bit of exposure and beautiful views. At the bottom of the ridge, there is a small bit of easy scrambling. After the scramble, the best way to go is to circle down and around to the left then right. This trail brings you to the Wild Horse Canyon again. A right turn will take you back to the cars. We took our time today with our guest dog, Onyx. The hike was announced as a "dog friendly" hike. Therefore, all hikers were aware that there would be at least one dog hiking with us. Fun, slow morning.

Stats: 2.1 miles; 600' gain; 2.75 hours


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