Saturday, August 10, 2024

Mummy's Toe v Deer Creek - 8/8/24

Kay, another year on Mummy's Toe (10, 928')

Jerry and Cheryl on Mummy's Toe

Peak approach Trail (Traction Benchmark in Background)

Deer Creek next to Cougar Ridge Trail
On a cool Thursday morning, three club members drove up Deer Creek Road to park at the Cougar Ridge Trailhead. This is a large turnout across the road from where the Cougar Ridge Trail (Road) turns off of Deer Creek Road. Our hike began by climbing up the dirt road passing around the gate and eventually reaching a 90 degree turn to the right. The cabin resort follows up to the right but the Deer Creek Trail continues straight off the dirt road. This is a very pretty trail next to Deer Creek. It climbs up and eventually comes to an obvious turn to the right in the vicinity of a large boulder sitting in the forest. Here, the trail begins the Deer Creek Ridge portion of the climb.

Jerry and Cheryl lead the way up Deer Creek Trail

Jerry and Cheryl lead the way up Deer Creek Ridge (Mummy's Toe in Background)

View back down Deer Creek Canyon from Ridge

Junction from Ridge to Mummy's Toe Switchbacks
We were doing a lot of talking as we hiked so when we reached the T-junction of the Mummy's Toe Trail, we were pleasantly surprised that the climb was not as laborious as it sometimes can be. At the junction, we turned to the right. This begins the switchbacks that takes hikers up near the cliff bands above. At the cliff bands, the climbing gets really steep with smaller switchbacks. There are at least a couple of trails to follow. The usual one climbs up a crack that is fairly well worn at this point. After the crack, we turned left onto a cross trail. Another trail is offered that leads straight up. This takes you to Mummy's Knee. The cross trail traverses on a very steep slope dipping from right to left. There are a few fallen trees to climb over.

Tackling the Mummy's Toe Switchbacks

Climbing the cliff Bands

One more cliff Band

Starting across the traverse Trail
This cross trail comes up to meet a trail that leads from the Knee to the Toe and we turned left. The next part is the steepest and, therefore, the most difficult climb of the hike. Slowly, we ascended to the peak where a beautiful very old bristlecone tree beckons at its base. On top of Mummy's Toe, there is very little room to spare. It is best not to get too playful here! The summit sits right in the middle of some of the highest peaks on the Kyle Canyon side of Charleston Peak. There were cliffs all around us. We sat for a break and took photos lingering with our thoughts. Next, the hard part! Down is a very slow process from the Toe. We were deliberate with our choice of steps.

Still traversing Up

View down the final steep Climb

The old Bristlecone crowns the Peak

Mummy's Knee in front of
Mummy's Tummy from Peak
Down the cross trail. Down the chute on the cliff band. Down the rest of the cliff band area. Down the switchbacks. After a left turn onto the Deer Creek Ridge Trail, we carefully made our way down and off the ridge. As we got to this transition, a loud thunderclap filled the sky! The noise let it be known that we were being stalked by a monsoon. We looked over our shoulder and saw that the thunderstorm and rain was hanging over Lee Canyon ... not really that far away. Not stopping, we continued maybe a little faster. The thunder continued and, once in a while, we saw a flash of lightning surround us. We started counting. The storm was approximately 3-4 miles away. In other words, Lee Canyon! Yikes!

Kay arrives at the peak while Jerry signs us In

Group photo on Mummy's Toe Summit

The view as we begin down the steep Incline

Kay follows Jerry down the Chute
The storm stayed there for most of the remaining hike as its rumblings stalked us down Deer Creek Trail then up and down Cougar Ridge Trail. We actually ran when we reached the downhill part of the dirt road! Don't tell anyone! Just as we reached the cars and loaded up, the first sprinkle came upon us. Driving out of the trailhead, big drops of water poured down making a splat design on my windshield. Pretty good timing! What a great day! Our annual trip to the Toe was very rewarding. It gets easier every year.

P.S. Jerry and Cheryl are fantastic leaders!!

Stats: 6 miles; 2450' gain; 5.5 hours

Cheryl follows Kay down the Chute

Finally, something that is still there!

Thunder clouds over Lee Canyon as we make our Descent

This hike's elevation graph.

Previous track using two different routes at the peak. Upper route is Mummy's Knee.

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