Tuesday, August 6, 2024

South Loop Saddle - 8/5/24

Charleston Peak from South Loop 2nd Overlook

Harris Peak and Echo Cliffs from South Loop Switchbacks
Mummy Mountain from first mile of South Loop

Sunrise on the South Loop
We've been putzing around the easier hikes due to various reasons this summer. However, today, we ventured into the upper elevations of the South Loop Trail. Five and a half of us started at the trailhead on what would be a warm day ... yes, even in the mountains. We established a nice slow steady pace and didn't deviate from it throughout the climb. There were very few hikers already on the trail but we saw our first hiker company at the Echo Overlook. After a very short breather, we continued up to tackle the longer switchbacks. This would be our first effort at the higher section of the trail this year. We had already become accustomed to the higher altitudes and there was no problem with the thinner air. Our group stayed together fairly well until the 3rd Overlook. Then we started to spread out. There were three goals in mind and we each hiked according to our goal. My goal was the "campsite" where there is a nice overlook of Griffith Peak. Well, this is no longer such a nice pace to stop unless you hike away from the corner. There are large trees down everywhere. The wilderness volunteers have cut a trail through the mess but there is no longer a decent place to sit and contemplate life!

Griffith Peak Drainage from Switchbacks

Kyle Canyon from Echo Overlook (South Loop 1st Overlook)

Wilderness Boundary Sign on South Loop

Climbing up the South Loop
Mike and Ralyn had continued up and eventually stopped on the ridge; Ralyn at the saddle and Mike at the high point before the Griffith Peak climb. Jerry and Cheryl delivered word to them that I was back at the campsite and would start back down from there. Jerry and Cheryl continued up to Griffith Peak. Therefore, we all took our break individually and started down at our own pace. On my way down, I passed many other hikers who had gotten a bit of a late start on this warm day. Everyone who has ever hiked the South Loop knows that the lower portion of the trail is in the sun starting mid to late morning. The more experienced hikers had on their long sleeve, hooded sun wear and the less experienced ones were asking about shade.

A Switchback on the South Loop

South Loop 3rd Overlook

Taking a short break at the 3rd Overlook

Climbing up past another Drainage
It was nice to get up into the higher elevations for the views of Charleston Peak and Mummy Mountain. Harris Peak was also a nice view in several places. Above the wilderness sign, the air was a lot cooler and there was a nice breeze. I believe the clouds came in after we left the mountain and might have cooled it down a little bit. I made my way down the mountain slowly passing several of the hikers I had passed on the way up. During the last mile, I passed a very long line of a group of small children and a few adults. They hiked at different speeds and probably should not have decided to do the South Loop. They turned around and decided to take the Little Falls Trail. Good choice.

Harris Peak from last mile before the Saddle

Griffith Peak Overlook among a mess of downed Trees

Griffith Peak at messy Overlook

Ralyn, Mike and Odie at the South Loop Saddle
I sat on a log at the trailhead to wait for Ralyn, Mike and Odie. Poor Odie. He got a little overheated but recovered well when he got home. All three came down within 2 or 3 minutes of when I had settled. Leaving Jerry and Cheryl to their journey to Griffith, we had a nice drive down the mountain. The slow speed of the climb would keep us from getting too sore!

Stats to saddle and back: 8 miles; 2900' gain; 5.25 hours
Heading down the Switchbacks

Woodland Pine-drops next to switchback Trail

Down the treacherous South Loop Steps

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