Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Seven Mile Canyon Road - 8/13/24

View from near our high Point

Mummy's Toe view from near our high Point

Descent Wash

Starting up Seven Mile Canyon Road
Several hikers we know have been discovering the higher elevations of the Spring Mountains by way of Seven Mile Canyon Road (Rt 092). I acquired a good track from Jerry and Cheryl and Ralyn downloaded a track from an online app and up we went. We parked at the Orange Trailhead on Deer Creek Road and crossed the pavement heading straight up the hill in front of us. We missed the right fork of 092 and started following cairns to the left. (Our first mistake.) Soon, I knew we were not on the planned route of following the road straight up to the main ridge. But there were still cairns, a trail and we were on Ralyn's track. It was very steep but we expected that. The wash turned into a trail going up to the top of the ridge and we climbed until it seemed appropriate to find a traverse route over to Jerry's track. After all, we did not plan to climb to the top of Mummy's Nose. There are three main ridges at the base of Mummy's Nose to the east. We were on the southernmost ridge and I wanted to get to the northernmost (main) ridge. Our "ugly traverse" only got us to the ridge before the main one. There was a lot of steep stuff and two large gulleys to negotiate.

Mummy's Nose from ascent on Cairned Route

Near the top of the ascent Ridge

View from ugly Traverse

Negotiating the ugly Traverse
Difficult hiking but nothing we had not done before in our escapades. We reached the small gulley that was indicated on Jerry's track and started down. Immediately, we saw two other hikers making their way up below us. This was a clear indication that we had found the correct descent wash. The wash was steep but had good footing and we made pretty good time reaching the top of 092. As we hiked down the road, we understood why we missed the turn on 092. There is an open area where the dirt road becomes unclear. Grabbing for a hint at which way to go, we saw the cairns. No matter. It just leaves room for another exploration on another day.

Stats: 3 miles; 1500' gain; 3 hours

Starting down the descent Wash

Descent Wash

Fork between cairned route and 092 Road

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