Tuesday, April 16, 2024

North Peak (Sandstone) v Red Rock Wash - 4/15/24

Rick enjoys the North Peak (Sandstone)

Spring Mountains ridge from North Peak (Sandstone)

Red Rock Wash Ascent

Through the rocks of Red Rock Wash
There is a mountain ridge in Red Rock Canyon NCA,  lining an old road named Rocky Gap, that juts out from the Keystone Thrust escarpment. At the top end of this ridge is a small gray peak we call North Peak (Limestone). At the lower terminus of the bench is another small but yellow peak we call North Peak (Sandstone). Some people refer to the latter peak as THE North Peak since the limestone peak is not visited as often. Today, eight hikers, ready for a serious workout, started up to North Peak (Sandstone) from Willow Springs by taking the Red Rock Wash, a colorful wash with medium sized boulders that flows between Rocky Gap Road and the North Peak ridge.

Hill between the wash and Rocky Gap Road

Chilly Morning

Finding our way up through the spring Area

Stephan climbs the "Big Finale"
We labored up through the beautiful wash where the redbud trees were beginning to bloom. Some of the boulders are laced with designs and there are many scrambles that are all easily conquered. The pace was steady and careful. All the way from the Willow Springs petroglyphs, through the mountain island area and on up the "Big Finale" scramble of white rock. We stopped at the junction of the North Peak ridge Trail for a small break. The next section is the North Peak Trail that begins and ends on a steep ridge to the left that climbs all the way up to the top of the bench ridge above. Keeping the pace slow and steady, most of us stayed together without much stopping. The other whipper-snappers jogged on up and waited every so often.

Gaining elevation fast on the ridge North Peak Trail

Mini snow patches on and near the North Peak Trail

The sandstone Climb

Leading from Behind
About half of mile up from the wash, we hit the sandstone. There are big and small slabs all over the mountain. It becomes steeper before it becomes less. When the terrain flattens out, we took note of the landmarks since we wanted to find our "door" out on the way back. Continuing straight up, we visited Dragon Rock to get our bearings on the top of the ridge. From there, the route turns left and stays close to the left of the ridge top. There is some scrambling as you climb to the end of the bench where North Peak suddenly happens! In other words, you can't go any further along the bench without a rope! We sat for our break and took photos as Mike entered our names in the log. The views kept us occupied and entertained.

Climbing up to Dragon Rock

Dragon Rock 2024 without lower Jaw

Bridge Mountain bench from North Peak Bench

Hiking along the North Peak Ridge
After the break, our first order of business was finding our way back along the ridge to the exit door. There are so many cairns that it was difficult to decide which was the truest route. Everyone seems to have their favorite route. We tenaciously followed our nose until we found the door and started down along the sandstone. It is very important here that hikers do not get drawn down the wrong ridge. There is a ridge to the right that seems much more pleasant! Nope. It is the next one to the left ... a steeper ridge. We did pretty well except for misinterpreting one of the large cairns. We zigged when we should have zagged but the mistake was easily corrected.

Eight on North Peak

Calico Hills from North Peak

Starting the long Descent

Down the sandstone Section
Finally down the sandstone section, we started down the limestone section of the ridge trail. Famous for hiker falls, this trail is steep and slippery.  We logged 2.5 falls all together! No one spoke much during this descent as the concentration pierced the silence of the wilderness. We gathered at the bottom where the road junctioned. A right turn on the road led us on the 2.5 mile achy descent to the trailhead. Yes, achy but also invigorated for the workout we enjoyed. Strong and fun group!

Stats: 7.3 miles; 2500' gain; 6 hours

Reaching the wash and Road

Starting down Rocky Gap Road

Nearing Willow Springs on Rocky Gap Road

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