Saturday, June 4, 2011

Mary Jane Falls - 6/4/11

We had forty- five hikers on the Mary Jane Falls Trail today. New members, old members and everyone in between. In fact, Howard the Great was even on the trail today. It sure was nice seeing him.

We converged on the already full parking lot nestled in Upper Kyle Canyon off of Echo Drive. We split into two groups and began our 900 foot elevation climb. Soon, we were spread all over the hill from trailhead to falls.

There were a lot of hikers on the trail today. Families, dogs, babies in papooses and regular hikers. When we arrived at the falls area, we were met with water spraying from the falls in the wind. A lot of water came over the cliffs in three different flows. Below each flow sat a mound of snow/ ice as seen in the photo to the right.

Some of us took our pilgrimage over to the large cave. The photo at the top of this entry shows the view from inside the cave which has been used as a campsite by many. The view is tremendous. Then, some of us simply sat on a log at the foot of the falls and took in a nice long break with the sound of falling water filling the air.

On the way back down the trail, we could see the cave through the trees. We also could see Big Falls across the way. It seems to be pouring quite a large amount of water into a bed of icy snow. If you look closely at the photo to the left, you can see Big Falls at the bottom center. The hike was finished by noon with all forty- five accounted for.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am working with the Forest Service at the Spring Mountains NRA on their new interpretive centre in Kyle Canyon. The new centre will include several interpretive exhibits that aim to help visitors better understand the interconnected ecosystems of the Spring Mountains, and the role they play as stewards of this special place.

We came across your wonderful photo of a cave on your hike to Mary Jane Falls and would like to incorporate it into the interpretive exhibits. As this is a not-for-profit, educational project we have a very small budget for photo acquisition. Would you be able to grant us permission to use this photo for the exhibit? If there is a cost, how much would you charge?

I look forward to hearing from you and hope that your image will help to inspire visitors to make their own connections to this amazing place.

Please contact me at
Thank you